Educationist Bijoor awarded doctorate in education

By Avnish singh

Doctorate Awardedfunding

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Dr. Ranjit Bijoor was awarded a Doctorate in Education by a French University.

Thesis Focus

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His thesis focused on Educational Reforms in the Indian Education System.

Indian Education Reforms

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Dr. Bijoor highlighted the need for reform in the Indian education system due to issues such as high unemployment rates and a shortage of skilled workforce.

Historical Perspective

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 He also mentioned that India's education system was once exemplary during the time of Gurukuls.

Personal Experience

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Dr. Bijoor shared personal experience of feeling inadequately prepared for the workforce after completing formal education.

Incorporating Internships

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He suggested that internships should be incorporated into education to provide students with real-world skills and experience.

Gradual Effort

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Dr. Bijoor acknowledged that the problem in the Indian education system is vast and will require gradual efforts from educationists to bring about change.