టెట్ 2022 సిలబస్ను రాష్ట్ర విద్యాశాఖ విడుదల చేసింది. పరీక్ష రాసే అభ్యర్థులకు ఉపయోగంగా ఉండేలా… ఈ సిలబస్ను యథాతథంగా టెక్స్ట్ తో పాటు జేపీజీ, పీడీఎఫ్ రూపంలో ఇక్కడ అందిస్తున్నాం. పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ విడుదల చేసిన టెట్ ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ బులెటిన్ కూడా సిలబస్ కింద అందుబాటులో ఉంచనైనది.
- Development, Growth & Maturation – Concept & Nature
- Principles of Development & their educational implications
- Factors influencing Development – Biological, Psychological, Sociological
- Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships – Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Child hood, Adolescence.
- Understanding Development – Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and Erikson
- Individual differences – Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their Assessment
- Development of Personality – Concept, Factors effecting development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices, Self-Concept
- Adjustment, Behavioral problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Health
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development – Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Rating Scales, Anecdotal Records, Questionnaire, Cross sectional and Longitudinal
- Developmental tasks and Hazards
– Concept, Nature of Learning – Input – Process – Outcome
- Factors of Learning – Personal and Environmental
- Approaches to Learning and their applicability – Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning – Cognitive, Affective and Performance
- Motivation and Sustenance -its role in learning.
- Memory & Forgetting
- Transfer of Learning
- Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner
- Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
- Children from diverse contexts – Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
- Understanding of Pedagogic methods – Enquiry based learning, Project based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative learning
– Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills
- Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups – Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interest
- Paradigms of organizing Learning – Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric
- Theory of Instruction – Bruner
- Teaching as Planned activity – Elements of Planning
- Phases of Teaching – Pre active, Interactive and Post active
- General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of good facilitator
- Learning resources – Self, Home, School, Play, Community, Technology
- Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher, Creation of non-threatening learning environment, Managing behavior problems, Guidance & Counseling, Child Abuse, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
- Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective & Practice
- Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009.
CONTENT (Marks: 24)
- Parts of Speech 2. Tenses 3.Types of Sentences 4.Prepositions & Articles
5. Degrees of Comparison 6. Direct and Indirect Speech 7. Questions and question tags,
8. Active & Passive voice 9. Phrasal verbs 10. Reading Comprehension 11.Composition 12.Vocabulary, 13. Meaning of idiomatic expressions, 14. Correction of Sentences, 15. Sequencing of the Sentences in the given paragraph 16. Error identification within a sentence.
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
- Aspects of English:- (a) English language – History, nature, importance, principles of English as second language (b) Problems of teaching / learning English
- Objectives of teaching English.
- Phonetics
- Development of Language skills:- (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW).
(b) Communicative skills.
- Approaches, Methods, Techniques of teaching English.
- Introduction, Definition and Types of approaches methods and techniques of teaching English (b)Remedial teaching.
- Teaching of structures and vocabulary items.
- Teaching learning materials in English
- Lesson Planning
- Curriculum & Textbooks
- Evaluation in English language Teaching – CCE
CONTENT (Marks: 24)
- Number System:
Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Rational Numbers & their fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Primes Composite Numbers, Co-Primes, Twin Primes, Relationship between LCM & GCD, Indian currency, Representation of Natural, Whole, integers and rational numbers on a number line. Terminating and Non-terminating decimals, Non-terminating but recurring decimals, square, square root, cube, cube roots of numbers, Pythagorean triplets. Applications on number system
2. Fractions:
Concept of Fractions, Proper Fractions, Improper Fractions, Mixed Fractions, Decimal Fractions, Comparison, Fundamental operations on fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), Representation of a fraction in pictorial form and on a number line, reciprocal of fraction, uses of fractions in daily life
3. Arithmetic:
Unitary method, percentages, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, direct proportion, discount, simple interest, compound interest, time and work, time and distance, tax (Vat).
4. Geometry:
Basic idea of geometry (2D & 3D shapes), types of angles, construction and measurement of angles, types of angles, lines, triangles, types of triangles, quadrilaterals, types of quadrilaterals, congruence, property of congruencies of triangles (SAS, SSS, ASA, RHS), construction of triangles and quadrilaterals, patterns with geometrical shapes, representing 3D Shapes into 2D Shapes, Euler’s relation, Properties of triangles, parallelogram, trapezium, Rhombus, Rectangle, Square and Kite, Concept of Circles, Symmetry.
5. Measurements:
Length, Weight, Capacity, Time and their Standard Units, Surface Area and volume of a cube and a cuboids, perimeter and area of triangle, quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, Rhombus, Square and Trapezium. Circumference of a circle, Area of Circle, Circular paths, other polygons and sector in a circle.
6. Data Applications:
Introduction to Data, Data Presentation, Preparation of Frequency distribution table, Bar Graph, Pictograph, Histogram, Mean, Median and Mode of ungrouped data, determination of Mean by deviation method, Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curve and Cumulative Frequency Curves.
7. Algebra:
Introduction to Algebra, Simple equations, solving linear equation in one variable, exponents and powers, Algebric expressions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Factorisation of algebric expressions, algebric identities.
PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
- Definitions and Nature of Mathematics
- Aims, values , instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics and Academic Standards
- Methods of Teaching Mathematics
- Instructional material in Mathematics – TLM in Mathematics
- Instructional Planning
- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) – Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment – Processes and procedures
- Designing, Administration, Analysis of scholastic Achievement test (SAT)
- Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching
- The Mathematics Teacher
- Resource Utilization
- Curriculum and Text Book
CONTENT (Marks: 24)
- My Family – My Family – Family tree, migration, changing structures of family -nuclear and joint families, festivals.
- Work & Play – Occupations, Child labor, Games – Local, National and International, Marshal Arts, Effects of games on respiration and breathing, fairs, Circus.
- Plants and Animals-Plants & animals in our surroundings, Plant & Animal products, parts of a plant, photosynthesis, parts of a flower, pollination, fertilization, fruits, seeds. Wild & cultivated plants, wild & domestic animals their food, arrangement of teeth in animals.
- Our Food – Different types of food, storage of grains and vegetables, storage of food, Food – animal husbandry, Nutrients of food, deficiency diseases.
- Shelter – Need, different types of houses, electrical appliances – their use, social life in ants and honey bees, Animals shelter – variation.
- Air – Importance of air, composition of air, atmospheric pressure, diseases spread through air and their prevention, air pollution – causes, its impact, and measures to prevent, Green House effect.
- Energy – Renewable, Non-renewable, Future Energy.
- Water – Importance, water resources, tanks, aquatic flora and fauna, measurement of liquids, Water pollution – causes, impact, measures to prevent, purification of water, drought, floods.
- Our Body – Health – Cleanliness – External, Internal parts of our body, Bones, Muscles, Sense organs, Digestion, Respiration, Nervous system, Excretory system, Circulatory system, First Aid.
- Mapping – Direction, Mandal, District, State, India
- History and culture of India – Evolution of Man, Pre-historic period, Indian culture and Heritage, Civilization, Medieval period culture, Ancient monuments, Religious movements: Jainism, Buddhism, Bhakti movement, Great personalities, Indian freedom movement, Modern India.
- Our country (India) – Location, Area, Physical features, Climate, Natural resources, Continents and Oceans, Historical places in India, Population.
- Our state (Telangana) – Culture, State Government, Gram Panchayat, Mandal Parishad, Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Local Emergency services, our state symbols, Livelihood, Civilization – Impact of rivers.
- Indian constitution – Preamble, Major concepts, Fundamental rights, Fundamental duties, Child Rights
15. Security – Earth Quakes, Floods, Fire, First Aid, 108, 104 Vehicles PEDAGOGY (Marks: 06)
- Concept and scope of Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies)
- Aims & Objectives of teaching Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies) Academic Standards of Teaching EVS
- Relation to Science and Social Studies
- Curriculum and its transaction
- Learning Environment
Paper-I, TSTET 2022

Information Bulletin
TS-TET Cell: O/o the Director, SCERT,
Opp. E.Gate, LB Stadium,Basheerbagh, Hyderabad
TS-TET office Telephone: 8341371079, 8341831080 Helpdesk Numbers for Domain related issues – 8121010310, 8121010410
Helpdesk Numbers for Technical related at CGG – Ph:040-23120340, 040-23120433
- Candidates can apply only Online for TS-TET- 2022 to be held on Sunday 12.06.2022, only through TS-TET website http://tstet.cgg.gov.in from 26.03.2022 to 12.04.2022
- Steps to be followed for submission of application Online.
- The candidates shall first download the ‘Information Bulletin’ free of cost from the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in, go through it carefully and verify their eligibility for appearing for TS-TET-2022.
- The candidate after satisfying herself/himself about the eligibility criteria for TS- TET shall pay a fee of Rs.300/-(Rupees Three hundred only) for appearing for a single paper (i.e., only Paper I or only paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e., Paper I and Paper II). Candidate can pay the Fee through Online payment options provided in the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in between 26.03.2022 to 11.04.2022 for submission of application Online. At the time of Online Payment, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of Birth, whether the candidate belongs to Telangana State, mobile phone number etc.,). On receipt of online fee payment, the candidate shall be issued a ‘Journal Number’ with which she/he can proceed with submission of application online. Issue of Journal Number does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
- The candidates shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and instructions provided online, while filling up the online application form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size 4.5X3.5cms before filling in the Online application.
- Paste the photograph on a white paper and sign below (sign in BlackInk only). Look for the sample at point 18(iii), of the Information Bulletin. Ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan the required size containing the photograph and signature. Please do not scan the complete page. The entire image consisting of photo along with signature, is required to be scanned and stored in *.jpeg format on local machine. Ensure that the size of
the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the image is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as dpi resolutions, number of colors during the process of scanning.
- Applications with no photo / unclear photo / inadequate size photograph will be rejected. Hall Ticket will not be issued to such candidates. Hence, after pressing the ‘UPLOAD’ button, check if the photo is of required size, clear and is of the same candidate whose details are to be filled in the application. If the photo is smaller in size, not clear or does not belong to the candidate, press ‘BACK’ button below the photograph on the application form and restart with scanning of the photograph.
- Complaints relating to mismatch of photograph and or candidate details will not be accepted after submission of application at any cost.
- For latest updates, please check at TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in.
- The implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 requires the recruitment of a large number of teachers across the country in a time bound manner. In spite of the enormity of the task, it is desirable to ensure that quality requirement for recruitment of teachers is not diluted at any cost. It is therefore necessary to ensure that persons recruited as teachers possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the challenges of teaching at the Elementary level Classes (I to VIII).
- In accordance with the provisions of Sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the RTE Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) had vide Notification
dated 23rd August,2010 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in classes I to VIII. It had been inter alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to, in clause (n) of Section 2 of the RTE Act is that she/he should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE. Accordingly, Government of Telangana State has issued guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test vide. G.O. Ms.No. 36, School Education (Training) Department, Telangana State dated: 23.12.2015 and
G.O. Ms.No.8 School Education (Ser.III) Dept., dt 23.03.2022.
- The rationale for including the TET as a minimum qualification for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher is as under.
- It would bring national standards and benchmark of teacher quality in the recruitment process;
- It would induce teacher education institutions and students from these institutions to further improve their performance standards;
- It would send a positive signal to all stakeholders that the Government lays special emphasis on teacher quality.
The Schedule of TS-TET- 2022 is given below:
Date of Examination | Paper | Timings | Duration of Examination |
12.06.2022 | I | 9.30 A.M. to 12.00 Noon. | 2 ½ hours |
12.06.2022 | II | 2.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. | 2 ½ hours |
The candidates at the time of applying for TS-TET should be in possession of the following minimum qualifications prescribed for category of I to V classes (Paper- I) and VI to VIII classes (Paper – II) separately.
- Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 50% marks. However in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 – year Diploma in Education (Special Education).
- Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with atleast 45% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 – year Diploma in Education (Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to D.El.Ed / D.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines ( 23-12-2015).
- Graduation with atleast 50% marks, however in case of SC / ST / BC / Differently Abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45% AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) / Bachelor of Education (Special Education)
- B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with atleast 50% marks. In case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education).
- B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with atleast 50% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to B.Ed., course prior to issue of theseguidelines (23-12-2015).
- 4-year B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed., with atleast 50% marks, in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%.
- Graduation with language concerned as one of the optional subjects OR Bachelor of oriental language (or its equivalent) OR Graduation in literature OR Post Graduation in language concerned AND Language Pandit Training Certificate/B.Ed with language concerned as one of the Methodologies, in respect of Language Teachers.
- B.E/B.Tech with atleast 50% marks and Passed / Pursuing Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or B.Ed. (Special Education). In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%.
- The candidates, who are appearing in the final year of Bachelor of Education OR Diploma in Elementary Education etc., are also eligible to appear for TET Examination subject to the condition that the candidates cannot appear for Teacher Recruitment Test with this TET certificate, unless the candidate acquires requisite qualification.
- A Diploma/Degree course in Teacher Education recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) only shall be considered. However in case of Diploma in Education (Special Education) and B.Ed. (Special Education), a course recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) only shall be considered.
- Intermediate qualification of Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) of Telangana State or its equivalent as recognized by BIE Telangana State only shall be considered. So also the Bachelor’s Degree of a University Recognized by UGC only shall be considered.
- Government vide Memo 2181/Ser-I/A2/2022 Dated 09-06-2017informed that ”the Govt. may impose additional qualifications over and above these qualifications specific to a teachers’ post at the time of the Notification for Teachers Recruitment Test”
The structure and content of the TS-TET is given in the following paragraphs. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), each carrying one mark, with four alternatives out of which one answer will be correct. There will be no negative marking.
There will be two papers of the TS-TET, Paper-I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes I to V, Paper-II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Classes VI to VIII. A person who intends to be a teacher either for classes I to V or for classes VI to VIII shall have to appear for both papers (Paper I and Paper II).
(a) Paper- I: No. of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) – 150
Duration of Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes: Structure and Content (All Compulsory)
S. No. | Subject | No. of MCQs | Marks |
i | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Ii | Language I | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
iii | Language II English | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Iv | Mathematics | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
V | Environmental Studies | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Total | 150 MCQs | 150 Marks |
Note (1): The test items on Child Development & Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the primary level.
Note (2): How to choose language – I of TS-TET Paper-I: The following languages are offered under first Language in schools under State Syllabus viz., Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Gujarati. A Candidate has to choose one of these 8 languages under Language-I of TSTET, those candidates should have compulsorily studied that language either as medium of study or as first language at least up to Class X. The candidates who studied CBSE/ICSE curriculum can choose the language which they have studied up to Class X.
Note (3): The Language-II shall be English for all candidates.
Note (4): The syllabi for Mathematics & Environmental Studies are designed on the basis of topics of Classes I to V. The difficulty standard as well as linkages of content/topics could be up to Secondary Stage (up to Class X) for testing. The test items in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will contain Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) not only on content but also on Pedagogy. In Mathematics 24 MCQs will be on Content and 6 MCQs on Pedagogy. Similarly in Environmental Studies 24 MCQs will be on content and 6 MCQs on Pedagogy.
Note (5): The syllabi for Language I & II shall be based on Proficiency in the Language, Elements of language, Communication and Comprehension abilities (standard up to Class X level).
Note (6): In 30 MCQs under Language I & II, each shall include 6 questions on Pedagogy of a Language.
Note (7): The detailed syllabus for all subjects shall be designed by the SCERT and the same shall be issued along with Notification.
(b) Paper II : No. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)– 150:
Duration of Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes Structure and Content (All Compulsory):
S. No. | Subject | No. of MCQs | Marks |
i | Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 MCQs | 30 marks |
ii | Language I | 30 MCQs | 30 marks |
iii | Language II – English | 30 MCQs | 30 marks |
iv | a) For Mathematics and Science teachers: Mathematics and Science. b)For Social Studies Teacher : Social Studies c)for any other teacher – either iv (a) or iv (b) | 60 MCQs | 60 marks |
Total | 150 MCQs | 150 Marks |
Note :(1) The test items on Child Development & Pedagogy will focus on Educational Psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the elementary level.
Note:(2) How to choose language – I of TS-TET Paper-II: The following languages are offered under first Language in secondary schools under State Syllabus viz., Telugu, Urdu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Sanskrit. A Candidate (other than language pandit candidate) has to choose one of these 7 languages under Language I of TSTET and those candidates should have compulsorily studied that language either as medium of study or first language at least up to Class-X. The candidates who studied CBSE/ICSE curriculum can choose the language which they have studied up to Class X. Language pandit candidates have to choose the language of their study in pandit training concerned under language-I of TS-TET Paper-II.
Note (3): The Language-II shall be English for all candidates.
Note (4): For Paper II Mathematics & Science sectors, questions will be as follows:
- Mathematics – 30 MCQs (Content 24; Pedagogy 06)
- Science – 30 MCQs (Content 24; Pedagogy 06)
- Content – Physical Science – 12 MCQs
- Content – Biological Science – 12 MCQs
- Science Pedagogy – 06 MCQs.
- Science – 30 MCQs (Content 24; Pedagogy 06)
Note (5): For Paper II Social Studies, the syllabus will cover the sectors/areas namely, History, Geography, Civics and Economics. Out of 60 marks, 48 will be on content and the remaining 12 on Pedagogy.
Note (6): For Paper II, the syllabi for TS-TET of Mathematics & Sciences, Social Studies are based on topics of Classes VI to VIII. The difficulty standard of questions as well as their linkages could be up to Senior Secondary Level (12th class).
Note (7): The syllabi for Language I & II shall be based on proficiency in the language, elements of language, communication and comprehension abilities (standard up to Senior Secondary Level – 12th Class).
The question paper shall be bilingual i.e. English followed by the Language-I chosen by the candidates for all languages except Sanskrit. For the candidates choosing Sanskrit, the questions shall be in Telugu followed by Sanskrit (Devanagari script).
- The percentage of qualifying marks for different categories are as shown below:
S.No | Category | Pass Marks |
1 | General | 60% and above |
2 | BCs | 50% and above |
3 | SC/ST/Differently abled | 40% and above |
- The Director, SCERT and the member convener TET, Telangana State shall issue Memos/Pass certificates to the candidates.
- Differently abled candidates with atleast 40% of disability only shall be considered in respect of visually and orthopedically disabled. With regard to Hearing Impaired candidates, a minimum of 75% disability shall be considered under PH category.
The validity period of TET qualifying certificates for appointment, unless otherwise notified by the Government of Telangana, would remain valid for life.
The TS-TET shall apply to all schools referred to in clause (n) of Section 2 of the RTE Act. However, a school referred to in sub-clause (iv) of clause (n) of Section 2 of the RTE Act may exercise the option of considering either the TET conducted by the Central Government or the TS-TET.
As per G.O.Ms.No.36, School Education (Trg) Dept., dt.23.12.2015 cited under ref.1, 20% weightage is given to TET score in Teacher Recruitment Test in the State of Telangana.
However, mere qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment.
Teachers who were appointed before NCTE notification dt: 23.08.2010 by competent authority in Govt. /Local Authority as per Recruitment Rules prevalent at that time are exempted from appearing TET. However, Teachers working in private schools whose appointments were not approved by competent authority in Government are not exempted from passing TET. Such teachers of private unaided schools shall appear for TET conducted by either State Government or Central Government. In respect of non approved teachers working in private aided schools, they shall invariably appear for TET conducted by State Government only.
All legal disputes with regard to conduct of TET shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts located in the State of Telangana only.
14. Examination Centers for TS-TET-2022:
TS-TET shall be conducted in all the 33 Districts of the State. Candidate can choose any Examination Centre (District) of his choice. However, when the capacity of any particular Examination Centre (District) gets exhausted, that particular Examination Centre (District) will not be displayed in the list of examination centers given in the online application form. In such case, the candidate has to choose the Examination Centre (District) of his/her choice from the remaining list available.
A candidate can apply for the TS-TET-2022 Online by logging to TS-TET official website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in only. Before applying online, candidates shall ensure to have Scanned image of latest photograph and signature in Jpeg format only for uploading. Please keep with you a copy of X Class Certificate for making correct entry of Date of Birth in the application. Also decide the mode of payment of fee. The candidates are not required to send hard copy of confirmation page to TS-TET Cell. However, the candidates are advised to retain the hard copy of the application i.e. confirmation page.
Candidates can download their Hall Tickets from the website at https://tstet.cgg.gov.in from 06.06.2022. In case any candidate could not download the Hall ticket she/he should contact the Director, SCERT & Ex- officio Director, SCERT, Hyderabad between 10.30 AM and 5.00 PM on all working days between 07.06.2022 to 11.06.2022 in person only giving details of the journal number of the fee paid, candidate ID of the application submitted, a copy of the printout of the Application form and one photograph (same photograph as pasted on the application form). Request for issue of duplicate Hall Ticket will not be entertained after the examination in any case.
The exam fee prescribed for appearing for a Single Paper (i.e., only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e., Paper I and Paper II) is Rs.300/- (Rupees Three hundred only). Candidates can pay the exam fee through online payment options provided in the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in between 26.03.2022 to 11.04.2022.
- The candidate should first download the ‘Information Bulletin’, free of cost from the TS-TET website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in and verify his/her eligibility for TS-TET-2022.
- The Candidate after satisfying himself/ herself about the eligibility criteria for TS-TET-2022 shall pay a sum of Rs. 300/-(Rupees Three hundred only) for a Single Paper (i.e. only Paper I or only Paper II), or, for Both Papers (i.e. Paper I and Paper II) through Online Payment options provided in the website https://tstet.cgg.gov.in between 26.03.2022 to 11.04.2022 towards submission of application Online and for the conduct of examination. At the time of Payment of exam fee, the candidate has to give the requisite data such as Name of the Candidate, Date of Birth, whether the candidate belongs to Telangana State and Mobile Number. Candidate should enter his/her particulars
i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name & Date of Birth as per his/her Secondary Education Board Class X Certificate. On receipt of fee at Payment Gateway, the candidate will be issued a “Journal Number” with which he / she can proceed with submission of Application online. Issue of Journal Number does not mean that the candidate has completed the submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.
- The candidate shall follow the procedure for submission of online application as given and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The candidate should be ready with photograph of sizs 4.5 X 3.5 cms before filling in on-line application.
Photo Width =3.5cm
Photo Height = 4.5.cm
Signature Space = 1.5 cm
- Paste the photograph on a white paper and sign below (sign in Black Ink only). Look for the sample above. Ensure that the signature is within the box. Scan the required size image containing the photograph and signature. Please do not scan the complete page. The entire image consisting of photo along with signature is required to be scanned and stored in *JPEG format on local machine. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the image is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as dpi resolutions, number of colors during the process of scanning.
- Applications with no photo/ unclear photo/ inadequate size of photograph will be rejected. Hall-Ticket will not be issued to such candidates. Hence, after pressing the ‘UPLOAD’ button check if the photo is of required size, clear and is of the same candidate of whom the details are to be filled in the application. If the photo is smaller in size, not clear, or, does not belong to the candidate, press ‘BACK’ button below the photograph on the application form and restart with scanning of the photograph.
- Complaints relating to mismatch of photograph and candidate details will not be accepted after submission of application at any cost.
- Initial steps to be followed before filling Online Application Form
- Go to https://tstet.cgg.gov.in
- Click on Online Application Form.
- Click “Yes or No” for Are you appearing for professional course exam this year (Final Year Student), Enter your Journal Number, Date of Payment, Date of Birth issued at the time of Online payment.
- Tick the declaration and enter the verification code (CAPTCHA).
- Click on “Verify & Next”.
- The application will be opened.
- When the application form is opened, fill all the mandatory fields. Upload the Photo of the required size by clicking on the browse option and check “This photo belongs to me”. If the photo is smaller in size, not clear, or does not belong to the candidate, the candidate need to click on the browse option provided and upload the photo again.
- Click on “Save and Next” button provided in the bottom of the form.
- Fill all the mandatory fields in the “Paper and Qualification” section.
- Click on “Save and Next” button provided in the bottom of the form.
- Fill all the mandatory fields in the “X-Class and Previous TET details”.
- Click on “Save & Preview” button provided in the bottom of the form.
- If you find all the details correct press SUBMIT otherwise press EDIT and resubmit the information. Please do not forget to check the details given in the PREVIEW form before clicking the ‘SUBMIT’ button
- On clicking the “Submit” button the candidate will be displayed with
below Message in a pop-up window: ‘Please ensure that all the details are filled in properly. Application cannot be edited after final submission.’
- Click on “Final Submit” button.
- A Candidate ID will be generated along with an SMS to the registered mobile no.
- On submission of application form online the candidate shall be given candidate ID number which should be kept carefully for any kind of future correspondence. Submission of application can be considered to have been completed only on receiving candidate ID number.
- On completion of submission, the candidates shall take a printout of the application and store it for future use. Candidates should not post the printout of the application to TS-TET Cell.
- In case of any clarification before or during or after submission of Application Online, the candidates may contact the Help desk Numbers from 26.03.2022 to 12.06.2022 on all working days. Help desk Numbers for Domain related issues-8121010310, 8121010410 Helpdesk Numbers for Technical issues at CGG-Ph: 040-23120340, 040- 23120433.
- For any other clarifications the candidates may contact TS-TET office Telephone: 8341371079,8341831080.
- In any case applications will not be received in any kind of manual form.
- The candidates can download the Hall Ticket from TS-TET official website at https://tstet.cgg.gov.in only from 06.06.2022 onwards and appear for the examination at the given Centre. In case of any discrepancy noticed in Hall Ticket regarding particulars of candidate, photograph and signature or any other information he/she may immediately contact TS-TET unit for necessary corrections. In case the candidate could not download the Hall Ticket, he/she should contact the Director, SCERT & Ex-officio Director, TS- TET in the O/o SCERT, Opp. L.B.Stadium E Gate, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad
– 500001 between 10.30 A.M. and 5.00 P.M. on all working days between 07.06.2022 to 11.06.2022 in person along with proof such as Journal Number of the fee paid, candidate ID of the application submitted, a copy of the printout of the Application form and one photograph (The photograph should be similar to that of the photograph downloaded in the application form).
- Request for issue of duplicate Hall Ticket will not be entertained after the examination in any case.
- Fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
- It is to be noted that if a candidate has been allowed to appear in the Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test, it does not imply that the candidates’ eligibility has been verified. Further, qualifying the TS-TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment / employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment. The eligibility including pass in TS-TET shall be, finally, verified by the concerned recruiting agency/ appointing authority.
- Furnishing of false, wrong or inaccurate information may lead to cancellation of the test result and even prosecution in appropriate cases.
- No request for re-checking, re-assessment, re-evaluation or scrutiny of OMR answer-sheets will be entertained.
Procedure for conduct of examination and instructions for use of theTest Booklet and Answer Sheet are as under. Candidates are advised to go through them carefully before going for the Examination.
- The examination rooms / hall will be opened 30 minutes before the commencement of the test. Candidates should take their seat immediately after opening of the examination hall.
- The candidates should adhere to the instructions given on the Hall Ticket. Further, the candidate must show, on demand, the Hall Ticket for admission in the examination room / hall. A candidate who does not possess the Hall Ticket issued by the TS-TET Office shall not be permitted for the examination under any circumstances by the Test Centre Superintendent.
- A seat indicating Hall ticket number will be allocated to each candidate. Candidates should find and occupy their allotted seat only. If any candidate is found to have changed room or the seat on her/his own other than allotted, her/his candidature shall be cancelled and no plea would be accepted further.
- Candidate shall not under any circumstances be permitted to the examination hall after the commencement of the examination.
- Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, calculators,Docu Pen, slide rules, log tables, and electronic watches with facilities of calculator, printed or written material, and bits of papers, mobile phone, pager or any other device, except the Hall Ticket and Black Ball Point pen inside the Examination room / hall. If any candidate is in possession of any of the above items, her/his candidature will be treated as unfair means and her/his current examination will be cancelled. She/He will also be debarred for future examination(s) and the material will be seized.
- No candidate, without the special permission of the Centre Superintendent or the Invigilator concerned, will leave her/his seat or Examination Room until the full duration of the paper is over. Candidates should not leave the room/ hall without handing over their OMR Answer Sheets to the Invigilator on duty.
- Candidates are advised to bring with them a cardboard or a clip board on which nothing should be written, so that they have no difficulty in writing responses in the OMR Answer Sheet even if the tables provided in the examination room/hall do not have smooth surface. They should also bring their own Ball Point Pens (Black) of good quality. These will not be supplied at the examination centre.
- Smoking in the Examination Hall/Room is strictly prohibited.
- Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed to be taken into the examination rooms during examination hours.
- Five minutes before the commencement of the paper, each candidate will be given OMR Answer Sheet. Immediately on receipt of the OMR answer sheet, the candidates shall check their particulars pre printed on side 2 of the OMR answer sheet. In case of any discrepancy, the OMR answer sheet should be shown to the invigilator. If the data is wrongly printed, the candidate should make necessary corrections in the nominal roll. In case OMR answer sheet is damaged, folded or not properly printed, buffer OMR answer sheet will be given wherein the candidate has to fill the Hall Ticket Number, Name, Father’s name, Paper Number, Question Paper Medium, Language I offered and Test center name.
- The test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Hall ticket and an announcement to this effect will be made by the invigilator. The candidates will write and shade the Test Booklet code on the OMR answer sheet. In case the candidate does not shade the test booklet code her/his OMR answer sheet will not be valued. OMR answer sheet with discrepancy in written and shaded Test Booklet code will also not be valued.
- During the examination time, the invigilator will check Hall Ticket of the candidate to satisfy herself /himself about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put her/his signature in the place provided on the OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate will also put her/his signature at the appropriate box of the OMR Answer Sheet in the presence of the invigilator with Black ball point pen.
- The candidate shall check that the Test-booklet contains as many number of pages as are written on the top of the first page of the Test Booklet. She/he should also check whether all the pages are printed properly. The candidate shall not remove any page(s) from the Test-Booklet and if she/he is found to have removed any page(s) from her/his Test Booklet, she/he will be presumed to have resorted to unfair means and shall be liable for action under provisions of Act, 25 of 1997 on prohibition of mal practices in examinations besides initiating criminal proceedings. After checking the pages of test Booklet, candidate shall read instructions given on the top of the Booklet and adhere to them scrupulously.
- Unfair Means: Candidates shall maintain perfect silence and attend to their Question Paper only. Any conversation or gesticulation or disturbance in the Examination Room/ Hall shall be deemed as misbehavior. If a candidate is found using unfair means or impersonating, her/his candidature shall be cancelled and he/shewill be liable to be debarred for taking examination either permanently or for a specified period according to the nature of offence. If any candidate is in possession of any item(s) as mentioned in note (v) above, her/his candidature for current examination will be cancelled and also liable to be debarred for future examination(s). Further TS-TET is covered by ACT No.25 of 1997 of Prohibition of Malpractices in Examinations. If any candidate or any person commits any offence in Exam/Test, she/he will be liable for severe action including criminal proceedings.
- A bell / signal will be given at the beginning of the examination. A bell / signal will also be given before the closing time when the candidate must stop marking the responses.
- The candidates must sign on the Attendance Sheet at the appropriate place.
- After completing the paper the candidate should check again that all the particulars required in the Answer Sheet have been correctly written and handover to the invigilator.
The candidate will not do any rough work on the OMR Answer Sheet. All rough work is to be done in the Test Booklet itself, in the space provided.
- The candidates must fully satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the answer before darkening the appropriate circle on the OMR answer sheet as no change in answer once marked is allowed. Use of eraser or white/correction fluid on the OMR Answer Sheet is not permissible as the Answer Sheets are machine gradable and it may lead to wrong evaluation.
- The candidate is permitted to carry the Test Booklet and preserve it till the results are published.
Details of the Syllabus of the TS-TET Examination for Paper I & Paper II can be downloaded from https://tstet.cgg.gov.in.
23. Schedule
Time Schedule
S.No | Activity | Time Line |
1. | Date of Notification | 24.03.2022 |
2. | Online payment of Exam Fee | 26.03.2022 to 11.04.2022 |
3. | Download of TS-TET-2022 Information Bulletin, Detailed Notification | 25.03.2022 onwards |
4. | Online submission of application through https://tstet.cgg.gov.in | 26.03.2022 to 12.04.2022 |
5. | Help Desk services on all working days | 26.03.2022 to 12.06.2022 |
6. | Downloading of Hall Tickets | 06.06.2022 onwards |
7. | Date of Examination Paper-I Paper-II | 12.06.2022 9.30 AM to 12.00 Noon (2½ hrs) 2.30 PM to 05.00 PM (2½ hrs) |
8. | Declaration of Results | 27.06.2022 |
Sd/- M Radha Reddy
Ex-Officio Director,TSTET-2022